清康熙 铜鎏金释迦牟尼宝冠像

清康熙 铜鎏金释迦牟尼宝冠像


藏 品:清康熙 铜鎏金释迦牟尼宝冠像

編 號:5078



規 格:H:28.3cm




造像表现的是释迦牟尼头戴宝冠的形象,俗称宝冠佛。从三身角度来说属于报身佛,代表佛的内证功德,也有人从佛陀传记的角度,认为头戴宝冠是佛陀王子时期的造型,故称释迦牟尼王子像。此尊释迦牟尼像的宝冠为分体铸造。禅定的身姿魁伟挺拔,线条微妙含蓄,面部神情温和安详,为典型的清康熙时期的造像风格。身着袒右式袈裟,衣薄贴体,錾刻精美的生动花朵缀满上下,刀法出神入化,风格清新。清康熙帝笃信佛家,尊扎那巴扎尔—哲布尊丹巴一世为帝师,采用大量蒙古风格造像元素,开清代宫廷造像之先河,集中各族雕塑大师和能工巧匠于皇宫内廷之中铸造藏传佛像。康熙朝造像以工艺精湛、造型优美著称,体现了清代内地藏传造像的最高艺术水平。The statue shows Gautama Buddha wearing a crown on his head, commonly known as the Crown Buddha. From the point of view of the Buddha's three bodies, it is considered to be a reincarnation Buddha, representing the Buddha's internal merits and virtues. From the point of view of the Buddha's biography, some people think that wearing a crown on the head is the style of the Buddha's prince period, so they call it the statue of Prince Gautama Buddha. The crown of the statue of Gautama Buddha was cast separately. The posture of meditation is tall and straight, the lines are subtle and subtle, the facial expression is gentle and serene, which is typical of the portrait style in Kangxi period of Qing dynasty. Dressed in a topless right-style cassock, the robe is thin and fitted, with vivid flowers carved on the top and bottom. The sword technique is Now You See Me and the style is fresh. Emperor Kangxi of the Qing dynasty believed in Buddhism, and Zunzana Bazar-zebu zundanba I was the emperor's teacher. He used a large number of elements of Mongolian style to create statues, the first of its kind in the Qing dynasty, a collection of ethnic sculpture masters and skilled craftsmen in the imperial palace in the casting of Tibetan Buddha. The statues of the Kangxi dynasty are famous for their exquisite workmanship and beautiful modeling, which reflect the highest artistic level of the Tibetan statues in the mainland of the Qing dynasty.