


藏 品:铜胎鎏金白度母坐像

編 號:5079



規 格:H:21cm W:16.3cm WT:1800g




这里顶礼的就是白度母,又名月色朗秋母。这个偈颂大意为:秋天的月亮远离了尘埃、云雾,白度母的面容犹如一百个秋天的满月聚在一起,她的身体放出灿烂的威光,犹如成千上万的群星汇聚,从光芒中降下甘露,遣除一切众生的热恼。白度母坐像装饰璎珞极为华丽,工艺精湛繁复,白度母面容俊秀优雅,左手施三宝严印,莲花立于肩侧,生动别致,右手施与愿印,胸前花朵式项链相呼应;身披飘带自双肩垂下,柔畅地绕过手臂向上飘扬,形成华丽柔美的线条;佩戴的项链、臂钏、脚镯以及莲座上沿的联珠纹精美均匀,无一不展示着精细的宫廷造像水平。立体感强烈,颇为少见,拍品亦属此大明永乐年施,品相保存状况极佳,鎏金灿若新出,极为珍贵难得。The contestant here is Tara, also known as Moon Langham. The autumn moon was out of the dust and mist, and Tara's face was like a hundred full moons of autumn gathered together, and her body shone like a thousand stars, drop the dew from the light, and remove the vexation of all sentient beings. The ornament of the statue of Tara is magnificent, with exquisite craftsmanship. The White Tara has a handsome and elegant face. The lotus flower stands on the shoulder and is vivid and unique. The flower necklace on the chest echoes the wish seal with the right hand The robe, which hangs from the shoulders, flutters gently around the arms to form a gorgeous line, and the necklaces, arm bracelets, anklets, and the beading patterns on the top of the rosette are exquisite and even, all show the level of fine court portraits. Strong sense of three-dimensional, quite rare, the auction also belongs to this year of the Ming yongle shi, product phase preservation in excellent condition, gilding if new, very rare