醉美中国创作组 泰平安久、百年风华、孙克的藏品五福万代 (三幅一组)

醉美中国创作组 泰平安久、百年风华、孙克的藏品五福万代  (三幅一组)


藏 品:醉美中国创作组 泰平安久、百年风华、孙克的藏品五福万代 (三幅一组)

編 號:2074



規 格:356×118cm、363×142cm、224×88cm




成为人类历史上一大奇观。二零二二年,又即将是中华民族站在世界舞台中央的荣耀时刻,在这一盛事面前,我们的骨肉天亲在中华民族伟大复兴到来,台湾同胞定然不会缺席,海峡两岸艺术家也行动了起来。祖国宝岛台湾艺术家张建富先生亲自担纲醉美中国创作组顾问与创作组诸多丹青妙手,以长城、黄河、天安门、妈祖、台湾海峡、台北基隆港、台北故宫、阿里山等海峡两岸著名景观为素材创作出泰平安久国画山水献礼共产党百年华诞。预祝京张冬奥会圆满,祈福海峡两岸国泰民安,平安久远,铭记盛世为这个伟大立传,实乃书坛之盛世也。 是为记。" 《百年风华》二零二一中国共产党百年华诞,她的百年征程可谓波澜壮阔,她的百年初心历久弥坚,从上海石库门到嘉兴南湖一艘小小红船,承载着人们的重托,民族的希望,越过急流险滩,穿过惊涛骇浪,成为领航中国行稳致远的巍巍巨轮。


是为记。 《五福万代》二零二一中国共产党百年华诞,她的百年 为红都的瑞金,井冈山,遵义,延安, 征程从第一个农村革命根据地井冈山,到创 西柏坡为素材创作出《五福万代》国画 建新中国指挥中心的西柏坡,一个个红色革 山水,以艺术家独特方式,用国粹国画 命阵地可谓波澜壮阔,这些革命圣地见证了 献礼共产党百年华诞,为时代立传,实 一个党和国家政权的建立发展壮大复兴,成 乃画坛之盛事也。 为人类历史上一大奇观,为铭记共产党百年 是为记。 荣耀,为红色政权根据地立传,以黄格胜,孙克,张建富等为顾问,众多大家组成的醉美中国创作组,把中国五大革命圣地也称之为红都的瑞金,井冈山,遵义,延安,西柏坡为素材创作出《五福万代》国画山水,以艺术家独特方式,用国粹国画献礼共产党百年华诞,为时代立传,实乃画坛之盛事也。

It has become a great wonder in human history. The year 2022 will soon be a glorious time for the Chinese nation to stand in the center of the world stage. In the face of this grand event, our flesh and blood relatives will surely not be absent from the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Artists on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have also taken action. Mr. zhangjianfu, a Taiwanese artist from the treasure island of the motherland, personally served as the consultant and many excellent artists of the drunken China creation team. He created taiping'an Jiulong traditional Chinese painting landscape with the materials of the famous landscapes on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, such as the Great Wall, the Yellow River, Tiananmen square, Mazu, Taiwan Strait, Keelung port, the Forbidden City, Alishan, etc. as a gift to the Centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China. I wish the Beijing Zhangjiakou Winter Olympic Games a complete success, and pray for peace and long-term peace on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Bearing in mind that this great biography of the prosperous era is indeed the prosperous era of the book world. To remember. " One hundred years of splendor on the Centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China in 21, her Centennial journey can be described as magnificent. Her heart has been strengthened for a long time. From Shikumen in Shanghai to Nanhu in Jiaxing, a small red boat, carrying the great trust of people and the hope of the nation, has crossed the rapids and dangerous beaches, crossed the rough waves, and become a towering ship leading China to a long way. It is a century of grace to have a great cause for thousands of years in mind. In order to remember the historical moment of Centennial glory, the zuimi China creation group, which is composed of Huang Gesheng, Sun Ke, Zhang Jianfu, etc. as consultants, is based on the important node materials of the centennial history of the Communist Party of China, such as the site of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai Jiaxing Hongchuan, Autumn Harvest Uprising, Nanchang Uprising, Hongdu Ruijin, Jinggangshan, Gutian, Zunyi campaign, Dadu River, grassland, snow mountain, Yan'an, Dabie Mountain, Xibaipo, etc, It is indeed a great event in the painting world to create a huge landscape of Chinese painting "one hundred years of grace" and present a hundred years of Chinese painting art to the party. To remember. "Five blessings and ten thousand generations" the Centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China in 21. Her Centennial career was the red capital Ruijin, Jinggangshan, Zunyi and Yan'an. She traveled from Jinggangshan, the first rural revolutionary base, to Xibaipo, where Chuang Xibaipo created the "five blessings and ten thousand generations" Chinese painting to build the command center of new China. Each red revolutionary landscape, in the unique way of the artist, commanded the position with the quintessence of Chinese painting, which can be described as magnificent, These revolutionary holy places witnessed the Centennial birthday of the Communist Party, created a biography for the times, and realized the establishment, development, expansion and rejuvenation of a party and state power, which has become a great event in the art world. It is a great wonder in the history of mankind and a memory for the centenary of the Communist Party. Glory is to create a biography for the red regime base area. The Drunken Beauty China creation group, which is composed of many people with Huang Gesheng, Sun Ke and Zhang Jianfu as consultants, also called the five revolutionary holy places in China as Ruijin, Jinggangshan, Zunyi, Yan'an and Xibaipo of the red capital, created the Chinese landscape painting "five blessings and ten thousand generations" with the materials of Ruijin, Jinggangshan, Yan'an and Xibaipo. In a unique way, the artist presented the Centennial birthday of the Communist Party with the quintessence of Chinese painting to create a biography for the times. It is really a great event in the painting world.