醉美中国创作组 百年风华山川锦绣图

醉美中国创作组 百年风华山川锦绣图


藏 品:醉美中国创作组 百年风华山川锦绣图

編 號:2073



規 格:41cm?200cm




《百年风华 山川锦绣图》二零二一中国共产党百年华诞,她的百年征程可谓波澜壮阔,她的百年初心历久弥坚,从上海石库门到嘉兴南湖一艘小小红船,承载着人民的重托,民族的希望。越过急流险滩,穿过惊涛骇浪,成为领航中国行稳致远的巍巍巨轮。 胸怀千秋伟业,恰是百年风华。为铭记百年荣耀这历史时刻,以中国美协副主席漓江画派会长黄格胜,中国画学会孙克等为顾问,漓江画派,国家画院,北京大学黄格胜工作室等众多丹青妙手组成的醉美中国创作组,以中共一大会址、上海嘉兴红船、秋收起义、南昌起义、红都瑞金、井冈山、古田、遵义战役、大渡河、草地、雪山、延安、大别山、西柏坡、天安门、鸭绿江、西藏罗布泊、深圳、香港、澳门、黄山、小岗村、鸟巢、中国馆、黄山、星罗塔、威尼斯、黄鹤楼、长城、新农村等中共百年历程重要时间节点,重大成就为据,创作出《百年风华 山川锦绣图》国画山水长卷,以国画艺术给党的一百年献礼,实乃画坛之盛事也。 是为记。

The painting of beautiful mountains and rivers in one hundred years on the Centennial birthday of the Communist Party of China in 21, her Centennial journey can be described as magnificent. Her heart has been strong for a long time. A small red boat from Shikumen in Shanghai to Nanhu in Jiaxing carries the great trust of the people and the hope of the nation. Crossing the rapids and dangerous shoals, and passing through the rough waves, it has become a towering giant ship that leads China to a steady and long journey. It is a century of grace to have a great cause for thousands of years in mind. In order to remember the historical moment of the Centennial glory, the Zui Mei China creation group, which is composed of huanggesheng, vice chairman of China Artists Association, President of Lijiang painting school, Sun Ke, Chinese painting society, Lijiang painting school, National Academy of painting, Huang Gesheng studio of Peking University and many other outstanding artists, takes the site of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Shanghai Jiaxing red boat, Autumn Harvest Uprising, Nanchang Uprising, Hongdu Ruijin, Jinggangshan, Gutian, Zunyi campaign, Dadu River, grassland, snow mountain Yan'an, Dabie Mountains, Xibaipo, Tian'anmen, Yalu River, Lop Nur, Tibet, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Macao, Huangshan, Xiaogang Village, bird's nest, China Pavilion, Huangshan, star pagoda, Venice, Yellow Crane Tower, the Great Wall, new countryside and other important time nodes and major achievements in the CPC's centennial history. Based on these achievements, he created the long scroll of Chinese landscape painting "the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers in a century", and presented a centennial gift to the party with the art of Chinese painting, It is indeed a great event in the painting world. To remember.