明萬曆 五彩魚藻紋蓋罐

明萬曆 五彩魚藻紋蓋罐


藏 品:明萬曆 五彩魚藻紋蓋罐

編 號:1053



規 格:H:42cm C:16cm B:21cm




款識:大明萬歷年制 本品直口短頸帶蓋、圓肩收腹、底足平整;外壁通體以五彩裝飾,肩部裝飾一周鳳穿祥雲紋,肩下方以青花書“大明萬歷年制”六字楷書款;罐的蓋與腹部均繪有遊魚、水藻、花卉等紋飾,肥魚浮游其中,鮮活跳躍於浮萍和水草之間,悠然自在,形態各異;整器造型敦實秀潤,紋飾疏密得體,施彩豪邁而繁縟華麗,色澤濃妍且變化豐富,畫片裏動中有靜,靜中有動,厚重不失細膩,粗獷不乏傳神;相比於前朝的嘉靖五彩,萬曆五彩用色上更為豐富,畫面活力更為靈動,對比於嘉靖五彩魚藻紋大罐,本品在器型上略顯秀氣,但就紋飾來說,此魚藻紋蓋罐更為飄逸靈動,神采奕奕。 This product straight mouth short neck with cover, round shoulder belly, foot flat; The outer wall is decorated with colorful, the shoulder is decorated with a week of phoenix wearing Xiangyun pattern, and the blue and white book "Daming Wanli Nian System" six-character regular script style under the shoulder; The lid and abdomen of the tank are painted with fish, algae, flowers and other patterns, fat fish floating among them, fresh jumping between duckweed and water grass, leisurely and free, different forms; The shape of the whole instrument is solid and beautiful, the decoration is dense and appropriate, the color is bold and gorgeous, the color is rich and varied, the picture has a quiet in the movement, the static in the movement, thick and delicate, rough and vivid; Compared with Jiajing Wucai in the previous dynasty, Wanli wucai is richer in color, and the picture is more dynamic. Compared with Jiajing Wucai fish and algae pattern large pot, this product is slightly elegant in the type, but in terms of decoration, this fish and algae pattern lid pot is more elegant and lively.