清雍正 粉彩花鳥紋過牆斗笠碗

清雍正 粉彩花鳥紋過牆斗笠碗


藏 品:清雍正 粉彩花鳥紋過牆斗笠碗

編 號:1052



規 格:H:5.8cm C:16.5cm B:5.3cm




款識:大清雍正年制 本品呈斗笠形狀,胎體纖薄堅致,在瑩白溫潤的釉面上繪畫花鳥紋飾;圖上竹枝與菊花枝葉自外壁伸長而入內壁,盛開的菊花以紅、黃、藍、白等諸色點染,風姿綽約;竹葉以深淺翠色繪製,濃淡相交;兩只禽鳥一前一後棲息於竹竿上,分作引頭與回首狀,神情生動活潑;剩餘部分則以留白空間為地,有協調之妙;底部中心的雙圈內,以青花書“大清雍正年制”六字雙行楷書款。整器制坯修胎規整嚴謹,造型取法趙宋制器之美,輕盈靈秀,洗練簡約;胎質縝密純淨,釉水結合緊密,正合雍正制胎“細緻如玉”之美稱;畫片疏密有致,設色淡雅素潔,筆法清秀細膩,意境醉人心扉。 This product is in the shape of a bamboo hat, the body is thin and firm, and the flower and bird patterns are painted on the white and warm glaze; In the picture, bamboo branches and chrysanthemum branches and leaves extend from the outer wall to the inner wall. The blooming chrysanthemum is stained with red, yellow, blue, white and other colors, and the charm is about. Bamboo leaves are painted in dark and green colors, intersecting thick and light; Two birds perched on a bamboo pole, one in front of the other, in the shape of a lead head and a backward look, with lively expressions; The remaining part is based on the blank space, which has the beauty of coordination; In the bottom center of the double circle, the blue and white book "Yongzheng year of the Qing Dynasty" six-character double-line script. The whole machine preform repair tire regularity is rigorous, modeling method Zhao Song system of beauty, light and smart, concise; The fetal quality is rigorous and pure, the glaze and water are closely combined, and it is the reputation of "meticulous as jade" for Yongzheng tire making; The pictures are dense, the colors are elegant and clean, the brushwork is elegant and delicate, and the artistic conception is intoxicating.