汉高古玉 青玉编钟

汉高古玉 青玉编钟


藏 品:汉高古玉 青玉编钟

編 號:2044



規 格:H:56cm L:102cm




该套汉高古青玉编钟由13枚钟组成,编钟与架通高56cm,长 102 cm,共总重:19000g,编钟最大的重540g,高12cm;最小的重187g,高9cm。分两层悬挂在呈曲尺形的钟架上,从上至下按由小到大排列,可发出高低不同的音调。横梁上装饰鼓钉纹、龙凤纹,两端雕刻龙首,威武双龙,编钟架由两个方座、四根竖方柱和两根横梁组成其结构工艺用榫卯方式相连,该组汉代玉编钟是祭祀的礼器,虽然不能演奏乐曲,但它的制作难度却比青铜编钟大得多,工艺极其复杂,需要数百名工匠们数十年精雕细琢才能完成,该组编钟所用的玉料是高古青玉,总重量达近40 斤;运用了浮雕、圆雕、镂雕等雕刻手法,活环、掏膛工艺随处可见;13枚甬钟按大小排列悬挂在钟架上,气势恢宏,具有汉代风格,造型独特,实为惟妙惟肖,精美绝伦。存世唯一,弥足珍贵,堪称孤品。This set of Han Gao ancient blue jade chimes consists of 13 bells. The chimes are 56cm high and 102 cm long, with a total weight of 19000g. The largest chime weighs 540g and is 12cm high; The smallest one weighs 187g and is 9cm tall. Suspended in two layers on a curved clock stand, arranged from top to bottom in ascending order, it can produce different tones of pitch. The horizontal beams are decorated with drum nail patterns and dragon and phoenix patterns, with dragon heads carved at both ends and majestic double dragons. The bell rack consists of two square seats, four vertical square columns, and two horizontal beams, which are connected in a mortise and tenon structure. This group of Han Dynasty jade bells was a sacrificial vessel, and although they cannot play music, their production difficulty is much greater than that of bronze bells. The craftsmanship is extremely complex, requiring hundreds of craftsmen to carve and refine for decades to complete. The jade used in this group of bells is high ancient blue jade, with a total weight of nearly 40 pounds; The use of carving techniques such as relief, round carving, and carving, as well as the use of techniques such as live rings and bore making, can be seen everywhere; Thirteen Yong bells are arranged in order of size and hung on the bell rack, with a grand momentum and a Han Dynasty style. Their unique shape is truly lifelike and exquisite. Only in existence, extremely precious, can be called a solitary item.