


藏 品:玉错金鼓钉纹双龙盏

編 號:2043



規 格:H:9cm C:25cm WT:1300g




此件玉错金鼓钉纹双龙盏(高:9cm 重:1300g)这是一件古老的酒器,上面镶嵌着金色的图案和装饰,它具有精湛的雕刻技术,展现了古代工匠的高超技艺。这件酒器呈圆碗形状,口径较大,深腹,底部平稳。它的两侧各有一个蟠螭作为把手,把手造型独特,像两只飞翔的鸟儿。在碗的外壁上内刻有“吴昌硕”三字。,此外,碗的边缘也装饰有错金以及鼓钉纹,与整体设计相得益彰。吴昌硕旧藏,原拟定在慈喜六十寿辰时赠与她祝寿之礼。整件酒器透露出一种古朴而神秘的氛围,让人不禁遐想古代贵族的生活场景。它不仅是一件精美的艺术品,更是一段历史的见证。This jade inlaid golden drum nail pattern double dragon vessel (height: 9cm, weight: 1300g) is an ancient wine vessel, inlaid with golden patterns and decorations. It has exquisite carving techniques and showcases the superb skills of ancient craftsmen. This wine vessel is in the shape of a round bowl, with a large caliber, deep belly, and a stable bottom. It has a coiled dragon on each side as a handle, with a unique shape resembling two flying birds. The three characters "Wu Changshuo" are engraved on the outer wall of the bowl., In addition, the edges of the bowl are also decorated with gold inlay and drum nail patterns, which complement the overall design. Wu Changshuo's old collection was originally planned to present a birthday gift to Cixi on her 60th birthday. The entire wine vessel exudes a simple and mysterious atmosphere, evoking the imagination of the life scenes of ancient nobles. It is not only a beautiful artwork, but also a witness to a period of history.