It's so difficult to distinguish the authenticity of porcelain, but there's joy in collecting it

 Auction Information     |      未知    |    2023-06-15 14:58
China Guardian Hong Kong Spring Auction auctioned a Ru kiln cup holder as Korean porcelain at a low price of 5 million Hong Kong dollars, which was later identified by experts as the Northern Song Dynasty Ru kiln, just like the Ru kiln cup holder stored by Da Weide. This is the result of the auction company's lack of eye power.

Similar things often occur in major auction houses, determining which category an ancient ceramic belongs to and which type is second, mainly based on its glaze, body, and various production techniques. At the same time, each kiln mouth would learn from each other for a certain type, and the same type would appear in various different kiln mouths. For example, plum bottles are fired in almost all of the kilns, so it is a mistake of common sense to determine the kiln mouth by type.
In collecting antiques, some kind-hearted friends and family may have a skeptical attitude towards the value of the collection and kindly suggest that they take a few items to the auction company to auction, as if they prove to be genuine and collectible only after being sold.
In fact, those who hold this view are often laymen who use sociological perspectives to distinguish the authenticity of antiques. A truly discerning collector will never judge the authenticity or value of a collection in this way.
The auction house's auction does not prove that the authenticity of the item is not a problem, and the price of the auction cannot determine the true value of the item.
Of course, some entrepreneurs may use reputable auction houses to collect antiques without possessing the ability to appreciate them. However, truly discerning collectors do not ask about the origin and origin of the collection, do not listen to any touching stories, and only look at the value of the item itself.

The level of product sold by an auction company can only prove the level of recognition of this item in a certain collector circle in society.
Moreover, the high or low auction price itself has occasional opportunities. When a certain item is sold at a skyrocketing price, it happens to meet several buyers who are particularly fond of the item and also have a desire to get it, which is why skyrocketing prices arise. This also excludes the artificial elements of some reputable auction companies.
It is easy to engage in appraisal and claim everything as false, and it is also easy to show one's unique insight that is different from ordinary people. Many "Mr. Nanguo" in the antique industry have followed suit. In fact, the difficulty lies in being able to pick out the real thing at a glance from the millions of fake things! That's the eye power!
Of course, for an unremarkable antique enthusiast, it is understandable that one cannot distinguish the true from the false.
Some people say, "It's so difficult to distinguish the authenticity of porcelain, I won't play anymore!" But I believe that "because it's so difficult, it's endless fun!" A path that is always full of magic and has no end is the most adventurous and challenging fun, and the true charm of porcelain is also in it!