Copper gilded Buddha statue

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Copper gilded Buddha statue

Auction Information

Product:Copper gilded Buddha statue


Starting Price:800,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


鎏金佛像藏品来至藏传佛教皇家寺院,熔铸锻造工艺非常繁复。每一道工艺,都展现出深奥的古代造像工艺,是古代雕塑艺术中的瑰宝。其鎏金佛像内藏含舍利子及经书。The collection of gilded Buddha statues comes from the royal Tibetan Buddhist temple, and the casting and forging process is very complicated. Each craft showcases profound ancient sculptural techniques and is a treasure in ancient sculpture art. The gilded Buddha statue contains relics and scriptures.