One hundred yuan wrong version of the 1990 edition

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One hundred yuan wrong version of the 1990 edition

Auction Information

Product:One hundred yuan wrong version of the 1990 edition


Starting Price:30,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


钱币收藏中,人民币错版币因其稀缺性备受追捧.由于人民币在出厂前都会经过印刷、检查、裁切和封存等一系列流程,出现错误的概率约为千万分之一,物以稀为贵.所以本件藏品有极高的收藏价值。In the coin collection, the wrong version of the RMB coin is highly sought after because of its scarcity. Because the RMB will go through a series of processes such as printing, inspection, cutting and sealing before leaving the factory, the probability of error is about one in ten million, and things are rare. So this collection has a very high collection value.