Imperial Shoushan Tianhuang Four Treasures of Ten Perfect Treasures, Shaoshi Jade Seal

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Imperial Shoushan Tianhuang Four Treasures of Ten Perfect Treasures, Shaoshi Jade Seal

Auction Information

Product:Imperial Shoushan Tianhuang Four Treasures of Ten Perfect Treasures, Shaoshi Jade Seal


Starting Price:378,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品材质与气质兼具,这使得整个收藏过程富有系统性,既能融入文人们个人化的审美取向,又能体会多样的收藏乐趣,田黄中橘皮黄色质最优,为中正之色,色浓尤胜桔皮,鲜艳凝灵,鲜而不俗,稳而不浊,肌理蕴极细致之萝卜纹,绵密欲化,红筋显著易辩,其质地特别的凝腻,温润,细结,凝灵成冻有一种难以形容的油润感精湛技法,疏密有致,笔法灵转,刀法圆滑,令人叹为观止, 明艳的黄色瑰丽无比,绵密而不乱,若隐若现、如梦如幻,肌理呈均匀的黄金黄,浓艳欲滴,纯净无瑕,宝光流溢,萝卜丝纹隐现其中,可见其质地极为老熟,以手抚之,其温润的质感有如上好的和田美玉,又比美玉多了几分“粘人”的柔感,令人爱不释手,可谓“六德兼备”,刚柔相济却都处理得恰到好处。This product combines both material and temperament, making the entire collection process systematic. It can integrate the personalized aesthetic orientation of literati and experience diverse collection pleasures. Among the field yellows, orange peel yellow has the best quality, which is a medium and upright color. The color is thick and even better than orange peel, bright and mellow, fresh and not vulgar, stable and not turbid. The texture is extremely delicate with radish patterns, dense and easy to transform, and the red veins are obvious and easy to distinguish. Its texture is particularly sticky, warm, fine, and frozen, with an indescribable oiliness. The exquisite technique is precise in density, the brushwork is agile, and the knife technique is smooth, which makes people sigh. The bright yellow is magnificent, dense and easy to discern. Not chaotic, elusive, dreamlike and illusory, with a uniform texture of yellow and golden, rich and vibrant, pure and flawless, overflowing with precious light, with radish silk patterns hidden within, indicating that its texture is extremely mature. Touch it with your hand, Its warm texture is as good as Hetian Meiyu, but it also has a slightly more "sticky" softness than Meiyu, making it irresistible. It can be said to have "six virtues at the same time", with a combination of hardness and softness that is handled perfectly.