1951 Champion Pot

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1951 Champion Pot

Auction Information

Product:1951 Champion Pot


Starting Price:460,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品包浆润泽,泥料的色泽对装饰效果的完善亦起到了关键作用,赭红色泽温和中正,形制朴素敦厚,态体光润优美,线条流畅而规则,气格古朴,稳重沉着,壶身线条更加圆润,块面饱满,纹路清晰,雕塑技艺高超,气韵高雅,用线条作为壶体的装饰,表达出秀逸、刚柔相济、丰满厚实的气韵,工艺精湛、引人入胜,无论是从把玩品用,从陈列品赏,均是一件高雅、杰出的陶艺佳作,尽显大师风范,转折适度,自有韵味,壶嘴自然胥出,壶把简洁有力,形态灵动自如,纽盖塑形别致,口盖严丝合缝,尽显功力,整器布局巧妙,别出心载,气韵端庄稳重,转合之间极尽精微又浑然天成。 This product is coated with moist paste, and the color of the clay material also plays a key role in improving the decorative effect. The reddish brown color is warm and moderate, with a simple and sturdy shape, a smooth and regular appearance, and a simple and elegant temperament. The lines of the pot body are more rounded, the blocks are full, the patterns are clear, the sculpture skills are superb, and the atmosphere is elegant. Using lines as decoration for the pot body expresses a graceful, rigid and soft combination, full and thick atmosphere. The craftsmanship is exquisite and fascinating. Whether it is for playing with or appreciating on display, it is an elegant and outstanding ceramic work, showing the style of a master. The turning point is moderate, and it has its own charm. The spout of the pot naturally emerges, and the handle of the pot is exquisite. Concise and powerful, with a flexible and agile form, the new lid is uniquely shaped, and the mouth lid fits tightly, showcasing its skill. The overall layout is clever, leaving a unique impression and exuding a dignified and stable aura, The transition is extremely delicate and natural.