Hainan Baiqi Nanfo Pearl Handheld

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Hainan Baiqi Nanfo Pearl Handheld

Auction Information

Product:Hainan Baiqi Nanfo Pearl Handheld


Starting Price:1,580,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


清宫廷御品海南白奇楠(伽罗香)佛珠手持。 海南天然野生白棋楠千年沉香,花香果香蜜香奶香凉蕴沉香中气韵天花板,独有的佛香芳香四溢、‌更有玫瑰芳香、‌洋溢、‌馨香四溢。 天然野生海南白奇楠老料,秒沉水,满回纹结油、通体大油线结油品相,持感绵柔,香蕴悠长回荡。Holding the Hainan Baiqinan (Galaxiang) Buddhist bead, a royal treasure of the Qing Dynasty. Hainan's natural wild Bai Qi Nan thousand year old agarwood, with floral, fruity, honey, milk, and cool fragrance, exudes a ceiling of charm in the agarwood. Its unique Buddhist fragrance is overflowing, and there is also a rose fragrance, overflowing and fragrant. Natural wild Hainan Bai Qi Nan old ingredient, instantly submerged in water, full of wrinkles and oil, with large oil lines and oil phases throughout the body, holding a soft and long-lasting fragrance.