Li Changzae“Success ”

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Li Changzae“Success ”

Auction Information

Product:Li Changzae“Success ”


Starting Price:800,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


李长在,号燕南狂翁,极乐斋主。李长在是一位德艺双馨的老艺术家,‌他的作品以其个性化强、‌写意味浓的特点,‌深受海内外广大客户和收藏家的青睐。‌李长在的作品不仅在绘画技巧上有其独特之处,‌而且在绘画理论和实践中,‌他将传神的效果提升到传情的效果,‌这一创新是对国画传统理论的重大突破,‌也为国画事业的传承与发展做出了显著贡献,有极高的收藏价值。Li Changzai, number Yannan crazy Weng, the master of bliss. Li Changzai is an old artist with both moral and artistic integrity. ‌ his works are well received by customers and collectors at home and abroad for their strong individuality and ‌. ‌ Li Changzai's works not only have their unique features in painting techniques, ‌, but also in painting theory and practice. ‌ he elevated the expressive effect to the emotional one. ‌ was a major breakthrough in the traditional theory of Chinese painting. ‌ also made significant contributions to the inheritance and development of Chinese painting and has extremely high collection value.