Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea by Zhang Daqian

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Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea by Zhang Daqian

Auction Information

Product:Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea by Zhang Daqian


Starting Price:1,585,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


张大千是中国著名的画家,也是书画界的巨匠之一。他的画作在中国艺术史上有着重要的地位,不仅在国内享有盛誉,在国际上也备受推崇。此幅张大千·作品构图新颖,数尺之内展现出广阔的空间,显示出大师的风范。八仙在清泉之间悠然论道,人物或静或动,相互生发,分而不散。背后古松蜿蜒伸展聆听其间,画面留白,表现出云雾朦胧,衬托出了主体人物。人物画法是唐寅的典型风格,以线为主,略加晕染,表情生动祥和。 所透露出的清脱高华,也非一般画家所能模仿。具有较高的收藏价值和文化艺术欣赏价值!Zhang Daqian is a famous painter in China and also one of the giants in the field of calligraphy and painting. His paintings have an important position in the history of Chinese art, not only enjoying high reputation in China, but also highly respected in the world. This piece of work by Zhang Daqian has a novel composition, showing a vast space within a few feet, showing the style of the master. Eight immortals in the spring leisurely talk of the road, the characters or static or moving, mutual hair, divided and not scattered. Behind the ancient pine winding stretch to listen to the meantime, the picture left white, showing the cloud hazy, set off the main character. Figure painting is Tang Yin's typical style, mainly with lines, a little smudging, and the expression is vivid and peaceful. The Qingtuo Gao Hua revealed is not the ordinary painter can seem. It has high collection value and cultural and artistic appreciation value!