Landscape by Yuan Jiang in Qing Dynasty

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Landscape by Yuan Jiang in Qing Dynasty

Auction Information

Product:Landscape by Yuan Jiang in Qing Dynasty


Starting Price:2,200,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


袁江,坚守初心,传承工界画之精髓,结合仇英、郭忠恕、赵伯驹、刘松年等前贤的笔法,将青绿山水与界画完美融合,终成为有清一代推为第一的界画家,为后世留下了宝贵的艺术财富。同时,是中国绘画史上有影响画家,宫廷画家,专攻山水楼阁界画。雍正时,召入宫廷为祗侯。在清康熙、雍正、乾隆时期,楼阁工整山水当以袁江最有名。作品在北方流传较多。他擅画山水、楼台、师法宋人。山水画主要学宋代闫次平,画石多鬼皴,楼阁主要学郭忠恕,工整严密。收藏价值颇高!Yuan Jiang, adhering to the original heart, inherits the essence of industrial boundary painting, combines the brushwork of Qiu Ying, Guo Zhongshu, Zhao Boju, Liu Songnian and other former sages, perfectly integrates the green landscape and boundary painting, and eventually becomes the first boundary painter in the Qing Dynasty, leaving precious artistic wealth for the later generations. At the same time, he is an influential painter in the history of Chinese painting, a court painter, specializing in landscape pavilion paintings. Yongzheng, called into the court as a marquis. During the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong periods of the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Jiang was the most famous place for its neat landscape. The works are more popular in the north. He is good at painting landscapes, terraces and learning from the Song Dynasty. Landscape painting mainly study Yan Ciping Song Dynasty, painting stone many ghosts cun, pavilion mainly study Guo Zhongshu, neat and tight. The collection value is quite high!