Lang Shining's painting "Eight Horses"

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Lang Shining's painting

Auction Information

Product:Lang Shining's painting "Eight Horses"


Starting Price:520,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:L:109.5cm W:59.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此画作,工笔重彩。画面丰富柳树迎风飘拂,枝叶描画精细逼真深秋景象中,骏马八匹,姿态各异,有席地而卧,,有交颈站立,两两相对相互嬉戏,神态悠闲传神而各不相同,马在中国传统绘画寓意“马到成功”“一马当先”此画作落款“郎士宁”,康雍乾,御用画家,意大利传教士,其以独特的中西合壁的画风,绘出如此精美的《八骏图),只有非郎士宁莫属,备受全球艺术品收藏爱好者!财团!企业!的追捧!收藏价值与未来升值空间巨大!This painting is meticulously crafted and colorful. The picture is rich with willow trees swaying in the wind, and the fine and realistic depiction of branches and leaves. In the deep autumn scene, there are eight horses with different postures, some lying on the ground, some standing with crossed necks, playing with each other in pairs, and their expressions are leisurely and vivid. The horses in traditional Chinese painting symbolize "success and pioneers". This painting is signed by "Lang Shining", a painter of the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong dynasties, an Italian missionary. With his unique style of combining Chinese and Western painting, he painted such a beautiful "Eight Horses". Only Lang Shining is highly sought after by global art collectors, corporations, and enterprises! The collection value and future appreciation space are huge!