Qi Baishi's painting "Cabbage Picture"

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Qi Baishi's painting

Auction Information

Product:Qi Baishi's painting "Cabbage Picture"


Starting Price:110,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:L:98.5cm W:49.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此幅作品以水墨设色为之,用笔纯熟,墨色变化丰富,透露着一股清新质朴的风格,在构图上两棵白菜上下布置,一只小虫爬于叶上,增添活力感,行笔节奏平缓,利用墨色浓淡相生的变化,寥寥几笔,就有白菜厚重的质感,从落款看,为齐白石艺术高峰的作品,白菜谐音百财,意为百财聚来一鸣惊人之意,这一平常家白菜融入白石老人的笔下,寄托画家对人生命运,社会世俗,自我价值无限慷慨,收藏价值极高!This work uses ink and wash as its color scheme, with skillful brushstrokes and rich variations in ink colors, revealing a fresh and simple style. In the composition, two Chinese cabbage trees are arranged up and down, and a small insect crawls on the leaves, adding vitality. The rhythm of the strokes is gentle, using the contrast of ink color. With just a few strokes, there is a heavy texture of Chinese cabbage. From the signature, it is a work of Qi Baishi's artistic peak. Chinese cabbage sounds like a hundred treasures, meaning that a hundred treasures gather to make a stunning impact. This ordinary Chinese cabbage is integrated into the pen of Bai Shi, expressing the painter's infinite generosity towards life fate, social secularism, and self-worth. Its collection value is extremely high!