Zhang Daqian's money paper splashes colors on the painting "Blue Mountain Tower and Cloud Mist"

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Zhang Daqian's money paper splashes colors on the painting

Auction Information

Product:Zhang Daqian's money paper splashes colors on the painting "Blue Mountain Tower and Cloud Mist"


Starting Price:4,460,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此青山云霭图大千以泼墨泼彩中西抽象结为一体,然而画中又以书墨收拾构勒,山石林木。使以抽象书面意象,深山中浓郁深遂,气势磅礴的翠绿色气沁人心神。作品营造出层次丰富变化,宏伟之气象,可见大千胸中丘壑深广,画作大千先生订制日本金笺纸绘制,大千精典之作。 镜框装,作时八十岁。This painting of green mountains and misty clouds is a combination of Chinese and Western abstract elements with splashing ink and colors. However, the painting is also decorated with calligraphy and ink, depicting mountains, rocks, and trees. Using abstract written imagery, the deep and majestic emerald green atmosphere in the deep mountains is refreshing to the heart and mind. The work creates a rich and varied atmosphere of grandeur, revealing the deep and wide valleys in Daqian's heart. The painting was commissioned by Mr. Daqian on Japanese gold paper and is a masterpiece of Daqian's art. Mirror frame, made at the age of 80.