Xu Beihong's "Five Horses"

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Xu Beihong's

Auction Information

Product:Xu Beihong's "Five Horses"


Starting Price:1,360,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此幅《五骏图》为立轴纸本设色,该作品布局疏密安排合理,将前后连成一体者,即斜伸而出的山坡,犹如一道贯通上下的桥梁,将上、下两个部分有机地组合起来,组成统一的画面。这种处理手法,动静对比强烈,具有一定的景深与空间感,是画家融合中西的艺术尝试。This painting "Five Horses" is a vertical scroll paper with color scheme. The layout and density of the work are arranged reasonably, connecting the front and back into one, that is, the sloping mountain slope that extends diagonally, like a bridge connecting the upper and lower parts, organically combining the upper and lower parts to form a unified picture. This processing technique, with a strong contrast between movement and stillness, has a certain depth of field and spatial sense, and is an artistic attempt by the painter to integrate Chinese and Western elements.