White Jade Chilong Cong

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White Jade Chilong Cong

Auction Information

Product:White Jade Chilong Cong


Starting Price:337,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品玉质坚致密润,偶见沁色,器形规整,内壁平整光滑,光可鉴人,展现了娴熟的琢磨技术,触之温和透润,令人心生平静之意,透出历史的厚重质感,造型简约,朴素而不失庄重,充满美感,不可多得,整体造型稳重踏实,构思巧妙独特,不论在玉质选材,还是雕琢技艺上,无不采上乘之选,精雕细琢,用刀讲究,起伏有致,舒展精致,造型典雅,做工精细是一件经典之作,此器匠者惜其材而尊其形,巧借玉石自然形态纹理,构思巧妙,布局合理,层次分明,极富立体感,运用高浮雕技法雕琢而成,运刀如笔,意到笔成,充满动感,纹饰线条流畅,细节宛然在目,玉孕育自天地自然之灵气精魂,而又经能工之手呕心琢磨,天意人愿和谐结合。This product is made of jade with a firm and dense texture, occasionally showing a refreshing color. The shape is regular, the inner wall is smooth and even, and the light is discernible. It demonstrates skilled polishing techniques, with a gentle and transparent touch that brings a sense of calmness to the heart, revealing the heavy texture of history. The shape is simple, simple yet solemn, full of beauty, rare and reliable, and the overall design is stable and solid, with clever and unique ideas. Whether in the selection of jade materials or carving techniques, there are always excellent choices. It is finely crafted, carefully crafted with knives, undulating and exquisite, elegant in shape, and finely crafted. It is a classic work. The craftsman cherishes its material and respects its shape, cleverly borrows the natural form and texture of jade, ingeniously conceived, reasonably laid out, clearly layered, and extremely three-dimensional. Feeling, carved using high relief techniques, wielding the knife like a pen, meaning to the pen, full of dynamism, with smooth decorative lines, The details are visible in the eyes, and jade nurtures the spiritual energy and soul of nature from heaven and earth, and through the painstaking contemplation of skilled workers, the will of heaven and man is willing to be harmoniously combined.