High relief auspicious animal inscription jade

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High relief auspicious animal inscription jade

Auction Information

Product:High relief auspicious animal inscription jade


Starting Price:1,000,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:D:28cm T:11.6mm,WT:1263g

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


玉璧,是中国古代jade中最为常见且流传最为久远的器类之一。其存在几乎贯穿整个古代jade制作史,在近七千年的漫长岁月之中,玉璧见证了中国古代社会政治、经济、文化的演进。早在距今6000多年前的新石器时代良渚文化遗存中就有数量较多且制作较为精美的玉璧发现,其后绵延发展于殷商、两周直至政治统一、经济发展、玉文化繁荣的两汉达到鼎盛。Jade is one of the most common and enduring jade wares in ancient China. Its existence almost runs through the entire history of ancient jade making. In the long years of nearly seven thousand years, jade has witnessed the evolution of ancient Chinese society, politics, economy and culture. As early as 6000 years ago, a large number of exquisite jade pieces were found in the remains of Liangzhu Culture in the Neolithic Age, and then developed in the Yin and Shang Dynasties, until the two weeks of political unification, economic development and jade culture reached its peak in the Han Dynasty.