Jade Ice Emperor Green Ruyi Pendant

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Jade Ice Emperor Green Ruyi Pendant

Auction Information

Product:Jade Ice Emperor Green Ruyi Pendant


Starting Price:540,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:L:8.4cm W:3.8cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


翡翠高冰帝王绿如意吊坠,此翡翠为高端帝王绿翡翠,翡翠为如意吊坠,周边砖石镶嵌,装饰大气,水种非常不错,值得收藏。Jade High Ice Emperor Green Ruyi Pendant, this jade is a high-end emperor green jade, jade is a Ruyi pendant, surrounded by diamonds and stones, decorated with grandeur, and the water type is very good, worth collecting.