"Noble Emperor" High Ice Emperor Green Guanyin Jade Necklace(108 pieces)

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Auction Information

Product:"Noble Emperor" High Ice Emperor Green Guanyin Jade Necklace(108 pieces)


Starting Price:3,800,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:WT:424.770g 50.67mmx54.64mmx12.74mm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


翡翠观音:冰种帝王绿翡翠观音也是罕见的翡翠吊坠之一,因为“观音”与“官印”同音。所以,翡翠观音通常男士佩戴。寓意 : 能给事业上带连连好运和帮助,步步高升,财运亨通!佩戴者尽显“高贵”。自古以来,中国人在翡翠雕刻工艺上通常以神灵为设计灵感,象征着如意吉祥!会为佩戴者带来平安和祝福!翡翠拥有其独特的半透明特性,雕刻过程特别需要考虑光线的折射。此件帝王绿翡翠观音项链108颗色泽晶莹透亮,尽显“富蕴”,配上翡翠吊坠“观音”面相均称慈祥。更能够代表中国历来在翡翠玉石雕刻上的非凡知慧,将精湛的工艺发挥得淋漓尽致,实为不可多得的稀珍之藏。Jade Guanyin: Ice type Emperor Green Jade Guanyin is also one of the rare jade pendants because "Guanyin" sounds the same as "official seal". So, Jade Guanyin is usually worn by men. Meaning: Can bring continuous good luck and help to the career, step by step rise, and prosperous financial fortune! The wearer exudes nobility. Since ancient times, Chinese people usually take gods as their design inspiration in the jade carving process, which symbolizes good luck! It will bring peace and blessings to the wearer! Jade has its unique semi transparent characteristics, and the carving process particularly needs to consider the refraction of light. This imperial green jade Guanyin necklace has 108 pieces of crystal clear and translucent color, fully displaying its "wealth". Paired with the jade pendant "Guanyin", the face is called benevolent. It can better represent China's extraordinary knowledge and wisdom in jade carving, showcasing exquisite craftsmanship to the fullest extent, and is truly a rare treasure trove。