Hotan Jade Buddhist Relic Pagoda in the Qing Dynasty

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Hotan Jade Buddhist Relic Pagoda in the Qing Dynasty

Auction Information

Product:Hotan Jade Buddhist Relic Pagoda in the Qing Dynasty


Starting Price:230,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:18.6cm W:8cm WT:316g

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


和田玉雕琢的精美jade,器身为整块和田玉雕刻,器型舍利塔,塔内坐佛,玉质温润细腻,五官轮廓清晰,雕刻清晰,具有独特的艺术风格。The exquisite jade ware carved from Hotan Jade jade has a whole body carved from Hotan jade. It is a relic pagoda in the shape of a piece. The pagoda sits inside a Buddha. The jade is warm and delicate, with clear facial features and clear carving. It has a unique artistic style.