Three statues of Hotan Jade

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Three statues of Hotan Jade

Auction Information

Product:Three statues of Hotan Jade


Starting Price:480,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:28.5cm W:8.5cm WT:1470g

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


和田玉三尊雕像,此和田玉籽料,玉质温润细腻,取整料雕琢而成,器形厚重,体量较大。五官轮廓清晰,比例合宜,雕刻清晰,使人视之即可感到祥和宁静,心中杂念顿消。法相端正庄严。螺旋发髻立体清晰,衣饰流畅有型,自然垂下。下方底座纹路刻画清晰。整体工艺严谨,极具收藏价值。There are three statues of Hotan Jade. The seed of Hotan Jade is warm and delicate. It is carved from the whole material. The shape is heavy and the size is large. The contour of the facial features is clear, the proportion is appropriate, and the carving is clear, making people feel peaceful and tranquil when they see it, and the distractions in their hearts disappear. The law is upright and solemn. The spiral hair bun is three-dimensional and clear, and the clothing is smooth and stylish, naturally hanging down. The pattern on the base below is clearly engraved. The overall craftsmanship is rigorous and highly collectible.