Qing Qianlong year lacquerware open light flower and bird pattern double dragon ears gilt vase holding the moon

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Qing Qianlong year lacquerware open light flower and bird pattern double dragon ears gilt vase holding the moon

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong year lacquerware open light flower and bird pattern double dragon ears gilt vase holding the moon


Starting Price:74,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


漆器是中国古代在化学工艺及工艺美术方面的重要发明。在中国,从新石器时代起就认识了漆的性能并用以制器。历经商周直至明清,中国的漆器工艺不断发展,达到了相当高的水平。中国的炝金、描金等工艺品,对日本等地都有深远影响。Lacquerware is an important invention in chemical technology and arts and crafts in ancient China. In China, since the Neolithic Age, the properties of lacquer have been recognized and used to make ware. Through the Shang and Zhou Dynasties until the Ming and Qing Dynasties, China's lacquer craft continued to develop and reached a fairly high level. Chinese handicrafts such as fried gold and traced gold have a profound influence on Japan and other places.