Cizhou Kiln Painted Knife, Madan Flower Pattern, Jade Pot, Spring Vase

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Cizhou Kiln Painted Knife, Madan Flower Pattern, Jade Pot, Spring Vase

Auction Information

Product:Cizhou Kiln Painted Knife, Madan Flower Pattern, Jade Pot, Spring Vase


Starting Price:1,100,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品磁州窑的白地黑绘装饰艺术,是在胎体表面作画,在洁白的化妆土之上以黑彩作画,再罩以白色玻璃釉,此举为纯粹的中国画之意味,与在宣纸之上泼墨绘画一致,其朴素典雅,又洒脱豪放的独特艺术风格,极富市井百姓的生活趣味, 装饰题材丰富多彩,别具一格,画师们以极其潇洒的手法和高妙的画技,将民间喜闻乐见的花鸟鱼虫、珍禽瑞兽、山水人物、戏曲故事、诗词曲赋、格言民谚、婴戏杂剧等绘于porcelain,保留了大量古代民间绘画、书法及反映民俗民风的实物资料,形成了质朴、洒脱、明快、豪放的艺术风格及浓郁的民间色彩和鲜明的民族特色,对国内乃至世界陶瓷产生了深远而巨大的影响。The white ground and black painting decorative art of Cizhou Kiln in this product is painted on the surface of the body, painted with black color on the pure white makeup soil, and then covered with white glass glaze. This represents the pure meaning of Chinese painting, consistent with the ink splashing painting on rice paper. Its unique artistic style is simple, elegant, and free spirited, which is extremely popular among the common people. The decorative themes are rich and colorful, unique, and the artists use extremely elegant techniques and exquisite painting skills to paint popular folk flowers, birds, fish, insects, rare birds and animals, landscape figures, opera stories, poetry and songs, proverbs, baby plays and miscellaneous dramas onporcelain, preserving a large number of ancient folk paintings, calligraphy, and reflecting folk customs. The physical materials of folk customs have formed a simple, free spirited, bright, and unrestrained artistic style, as well as a strong folk color and distinct ethnic characteristics, It has had a profound and enormous impact on domestic and even global ceramics.