Doucai Entangled Branch Flower Pattern High footed Bowl

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Doucai Entangled Branch Flower Pattern High footed Bowl

Auction Information

Product:Doucai Entangled Branch Flower Pattern High footed Bowl


Starting Price:254,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品胎质细腻,抚之似玉,釉质滋润莹泽,青花淡恬幽雅,彩绘绚丽清新,画笔生动传神,整器纹样线条流畅,描绘细腻,填色准确,层次分明,用色极为丰富,釉上彩淡雅秀丽,给人以鲜明清新的艺术感受而流于飘逸秀雅的风格,纹饰线条匀劲流畅,自然率真的情趣,充满了生机和魅力,装饰纹饰线条柔和纤细,只分浓淡而不分阴阳,无渲染烘托,达到了较高的艺术成就,其型端庄,其釉温润,其彩绚丽,个性特征鲜明,青花色泽深沉苍雅,抚之品之,颇为感叹,于陶瓷史中深得后世敬仰。This product has a delicate texture, resembling jade when touched. The enamel is moist and lustrous, while the blue and white are light and elegant. The painting is vibrant and fresh, and the brush is vivid and lifelike. The overall pattern lines are smooth, the depiction is delicate, the coloring is accurate, the layers are distinct, and the colors are extremely rich. The glaze color is elegant and beautiful, giving people a fresh and fresh artistic feeling of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and flowing into a graceful and elegant style. The decorative lines are smooth and natural, full of vitality and charm. The decorative lines are soft and delicate, only divided into light and dark without distinguishing yin and yang, without rendering or contrast, achieving a high artistic achievement. Its shape is dignified, its glaze is warm and moist, its colors are gorgeous, and its personality characteristics are distinct. The blue and white color is deep and elegant. He was deeply impressed and admired by later generations in the history of ceramics.