Ge Glazed Blue and White Courtyard Character Story Pattern Brown Mouth Plate

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Ge Glazed Blue and White Courtyard Character Story Pattern Brown Mouth Plate

Auction Information

Product:Ge Glazed Blue and White Courtyard Character Story Pattern Brown Mouth Plate


Starting Price:515,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品通体施哥釉,釉质浓郁细腻,均匀光洁,晶莹滋润,扣之则瓷音清亮,与全器的轮廓相辅相成,更显柔和流 畅,釉面灰青,色泽纯正,幽深静谧,釉面开冰裂纹,错落有致地遍布于瓶体全身,自然天成的纹路带来别致的美感,大小纹路错落有致,青 花呈色浓艳,有深蓝色结晶斑,线条略为晕散,重视气势和神韵,讲究轮廓线的韵律美,器形清雅秀丽,端庄而不失柔美,纹饰布局繁简有致 ,主次分明,绘图纤柔细致,构图严谨,青花之浓淡深浅各具意态,笔墨意趣尽在眼前,气韵随笔而生,平添一份苍雅之美,胎体细腻洁白, 釉质莹润亮青,画师以浓青色勾边,铁青填里,再于轮廓内侧染以淡青,多个色阶在窑火中融合,晦明变幻,纹饰采用小笔渲染填色,笔触细 腻,精巧有神。This product is coated with Shige glaze, which is rich, delicate, uniform, smooth, crystal clear and moist. When pressed, theporcelain sound is clear and complements the contour of the whole vessel, making it appear soft and smooth. The glaze is gray green, with pure color and deep tranquility. The glaze has ice cracks and is scattered throughout the body of the bottle. The natural and natural patterns bring a unique beauty. The large and small patterns are arranged in a staggered manner, and the blue and white colors are rich and bright, with dark blue crystalline spots. The lines are slightly blurred, emphasizing the momentum and charm, paying attention to the rhythmic beauty of the contour lines. The shape of the vessel is elegant and beautiful, dignified but not lacking in softness. The decorative layout is simple and orderly, with clear main and secondary lines. The drawings are delicate and meticulous, and the composition is rigorous. Each has its own unique style, and the ink and brush are full of interest. The charm and prose are born, adding a touch of elegant beauty. The body is delicate and white, and the enamel is shiny and green, The painter uses dark blue to hook the edges, iron blue to fill in, and then dyes light blue on the inside of the outline. Multiple color levels blend together in the kiln fire, changing in brightness. The patterns are rendered and colored with small pens, with delicate and exquisite strokes.