Blue and white entwined Sanskrit high footed cup

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Blue and white entwined Sanskrit high footed cup

Auction Information

Product:Blue and white entwined Sanskrit high footed cup


Starting Price:120,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品胎体细腻洁白,纹饰繁密、染画工整,造型规整,比例和谐,俊秀稳重,端庄大方,釉质莹润亮青,青色鲜艳,偶因渗青而有浓暗斑点,有水墨画之风韵,加以运笔潇洒,气势凌然,在黑色结晶斑映衬下,彰显出色泽清晰明快的特点,青花自然晕散,透过青花浓墨与层层细枝隐于深处,交叠悬停,气韵生动,淡描勾线与渲染相结合,勾画婉转流畅,渲染匀称,画面极富空间,诗画相合,独立成幅,方圆搭配使构图稳中寓动,气息内含又流动其间,纹饰不待矫揉,雄放洒脱,淋漓尽致地展现了青花porcelain典雅秀美的艺术风采。This product has a delicate and pure body, dense patterns, neat dyeing, regular shape, harmonious proportions, handsome and steady appearance, dignified and generous, with a glossy and bright blue glaze, bright green color, and occasional dark spots due to seepage. It has the charm of ink painting, and with the help of bold brushstrokes, it highlights the clear and bright characteristics of color. Blue and white naturally blend and disperse, and through the dark ink and layers of fine branches hidden deep in the blue and white, they overlap and hover, creating a lively atmosphere. The combination of light lines and rendering, the outline is smooth and elegant, and the rendering is symmetrical. The picture is full of space, and the combination of poetry and painting is independent. The combination of squares and shapes makes the composition stable and dynamic, and the atmosphere is both contained and flowing. The decorative patterns do not need to be adjusted or kneaded, displaying the elegant and free spirited artistic style of blue and whiteporcelain to the fullest extent.