Clear red enamel flowers grain bowl pair

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Clear red enamel flowers grain bowl pair

Auction Information

Product:Clear red enamel flowers grain bowl pair


Starting Price:290,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:7.1cm C:15.3cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此碗圈口微撇、鼓腹、圈足。由红地珐琅彩装饰,口沿如意纹其身采用珊瑚红地珐琅果蔬花卉装饰,葫芦有申、寅、辰等字样。 底款以红料四字楷书康熙年制。红地珐琅彩的色彩搭配和谐,红彩为地,以黄、蓝、绿、粉等色绘制的缠枝牡丹花纹,不仅色彩鲜艳,而且富有层次感,使得整个作品充满了生机和活力。红地珐琅彩的制作过程极为复杂,从选材到烧制,每一个环节都凝聚了工匠的心血和智慧。它的成功烧制,不仅展示了中国古代陶瓷工艺的高超水平,也是中国古代文化与艺术的重要体现。红地珐琅彩以其独特的艺术魅力和精湛的工艺,成为了porcelain中的瑰宝。它的美,不仅仅在于其色彩的鲜艳和造型的端庄,更在于它所承载的历史文化和艺术价值。 The mouth of the bowl is slightly skimmed, the belly is bulging, and the foot is circled. Decorated by red enamel, the mouth along the ruyi pattern its body is decorated with coral red enamel fruit and vegetable flowers, the gourd has Shen, Yin, Chen and other words. Base with red material four-character regular script Kangxi year. The color collocation of red enamel is enamel is used as the painted with yellow,blue,green and not only colorful,but also rich in layers,makes the whole work full of vigor and vitality. The making process of Hongdi enamel is extremely complicated.from material selection to firing,every link embodies the efforts and wisdom of the craftsmen.Its successful firing,not only shows the superb level of ancient Chinese ceramic craft,is also an important embodiment of ancient Chinese culture and earth enamel with its unique artistic charm and exquisite craftsmanship has become the treasure ofporcelain.its beauty,lies not only in its bright colors and dignified shape,is the historical culture and artistic value it carries.