Clear rouge red plum bottle pair

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Clear rouge red plum bottle pair

Auction Information

Product:Clear rouge red plum bottle pair


Starting Price:360,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:15.5cm C:6.8cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此件藏品圈口、细颈、溜肩、鼓腹、束腰、圈足。此藏品通身以艳丽优雅的胭脂红釉装饰。胭脂红釉梅瓶不仅是艺术作品,更是一段历史见证。胭脂红梅瓶以其独特的胭脂红色调著称,这种颜色是由微量金作为着色剂,经过精心烧制而成,色泽艳丽却不失典雅,细腻动人。梅瓶的造型设计优雅端庄,胎体细腻温润,釉面匀净明亮,闪烁着莹润光泽,宛如初晴的晨露,清新可人。这种色彩和造型的结合,使得胭脂红梅瓶成为了一件极具观赏性的艺术品,无论是放置于展柜中供人欣赏,还是细细品味其背后蕴含的历史意义和艺术价值,都能给人带来深深的震撼与感动。 This collection circle mouth, thin neck, shoulder, belly, waist, circle feet.The collection is decorated with a gorgeous and elegant carmine glaze.Carmine glaze plum vase is not only a work of art, but also a historical witness. Carmine plum bottle is famous for its unique carmine hue,this color is made of trace gold as a colorant,after careful firing,beautiful but elegant,delicate and touching.plum bottle design elegant and dignified,body delicate and warm,glaze uniform and bright,shining glossy,like the first clear morning dew,fresh and pleasant.The combination of color and shape,makes the rouge plum bottle become a highly ornamental work of art,whether placed in the showcase for people to appreciate,or carefully taste the historical significance and artistic value behind,can bring people deep shock and moved.