Qing Yongzheng entwined branches with flowers, phoenix wearing peony, and doucai plate

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Qing Yongzheng entwined branches with flowers, phoenix wearing peony, and doucai plate

Auction Information

Product:Qing Yongzheng entwined branches with flowers, phoenix wearing peony, and doucai plate


Starting Price:5,280,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


天津文物公司库出,Alex Cooper拍卖公司海外回流精品官窑。该斗彩盘心绘一只凤凰穿越在五朵牡丹之中,五朵牡丹代表花开五朵,“幸福、健康、富足、长寿、智慧”五福临门。藏品外围有三只凤凰栩栩如生环绕在牡丹丛中,是中国传统文化中的吉祥数字,代表团结、和谐、完美。盘底落官窑款“大清雍正年制”,并有火漆印,贴有Alex Cooper拍卖公司的标签。整体纹饰色彩丰富炫丽,却艳而不俗,釉面润泽,雅致细腻、柔丽高贵,侧视呈现七彩蛤蜊宝光,体现雍正帝顶级审美品味。 凤穿牡丹是中国传统吉祥图案,寓意富贵常在、荣华永驻,体现了皇权的神圣和权威,表达了统治者对国家繁荣和人民幸福的期望。凤凰是传说中的神鸟,是百鸟之王,被视为幸运、权力、祥瑞的象征,带来祥和与平安,代表尊贵、仁爱、吉祥等美好品质,是人们心中的瑞鸟,也是天下太平的象征,传说时逢太平盛世,便会有凤凰飞来;牡丹是百花之王,高贵典雅,为皇家园林花卉,寓意有富贵、吉祥、美满的内涵;两者结合象征万物繁荣、荣耀辉煌,寓意美好、光明祥瑞和幸福。 Tianjin Cultural Relics Company's inventory has been released, and Alex Cooper Auction Company has returned overseas to produce high-quality official kilns. The heart of the Doucai disc depicts a phoenix passing through five peonies, which represent the blooming of five flowers and the five blessings of happiness, health, prosperity, longevity, and wisdom. There are three lifelike phoenixes surrounding the peony grove on the periphery of the collection, which are auspicious numbers in traditional Chinese culture representing unity, harmony, and perfection. The bottom of the plate is the official kiln style "Made in the Yongzheng year of the Qing Dynasty", with a lacquer seal and a label from Alex Cooper Auction Company. The overall decorative pattern is rich and dazzling in color, yet elegant and sophisticated. The glazed surface is moist, elegant and delicate, soft and noble. When viewed from the side, it presents a colorful clam and precious light, reflecting Emperor Yongzheng's top-level aesthetic taste. Phoenix wearing peony is a traditional auspicious pattern in China, symbolizing the constant presence of wealth and prosperity, eternal glory, and the sanctity and authority of imperial power. It expresses the rulers' expectations for national prosperity and the happiness of the people. The phoenix is a legendary divine bird, the king of all birds, and is regarded as a symbol of luck, power, and auspiciousness. It brings peace and tranquility, represents noble, benevolent, and auspicious qualities, and is the auspicious bird in people's hearts. It is also a symbol of peace in the world. Legend has it that in times of peace and prosperity, a phoenix will fly over; Peony is the king of flowers, noble and elegant. It is a royal garden flower, symbolizing wealth, auspiciousness, and happiness; The combination of the two symbolizes the prosperity and glory of all things and implies beauty, brightness, auspiciousness and happiness.