QING DYNASTY GUANGXU PERIOD Blue and white lion and ball patterned bottle

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Blue and white lion and ball patterned bottle

Auction Information

Product:QING DYNASTY GUANGXU PERIOD Blue and white lion and ball patterned bottle


Starting Price:100,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:31cm C:6.5cm B:14.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


款識:大清光緒年制 本品長頸撇口,圓腹圈足,瓶身通體以青花料,繪以如意雲頭與獅子繡球紋飾,獅子神態靈動,活靈活現。獅子繡球圖案是中國古代藝術品上喜聞樂見的裝飾,其圖案來源於傳統文化的舞獅,根據《漢書·禮樂志》的相關記載,漢代時期民間流行“獅舞”,由兩人合作,穿上戲服,一前一後扮演成一只獅子,其中一人手持彩球逗之,上下跳躍,營造出喜慶歡樂的氣氛,後來的藝人工匠們通過porcelain、玉石雕刻、衣料、建築、傢俱等載體,把這項活動記錄在上,逐漸成為一種裝飾紋飾。富有象徵寓意的獅球紋圖案與造型,表達了吉祥如意、幸福美滿、吉慶祥瑞、權力威嚴等,諸多生活觀念,以及精神追求和思想內涵。 This product long neck mouth, round belly circle foot, the whole body of the bottle with blue and white material, painted with Ruyi cloud head and lion hydrangea pattern, the lion's expression is smart, vivid. The lion embroidery pattern is a popular decoration in ancient Chinese artworks, and its pattern comes from the lion dance of traditional culture. According to the relevant records in the Book of Rites and Music of Han Dynasty, "lion dance" was popular in the Han Dynasty, in which two people cooperated, put on costumes and played as a lion one after the other. One of them held a colorful ball and jumped up and down to create a joyous atmosphere. Later artists and craftsmen recorded this activity throughporcelain, jade carving, clothing, architecture, furniture and other carriers, and gradually became a decorative pattern. The lion ball pattern and shape, which are full of symbolic meanings, express many life concepts, such as auspiciousness, happiness, auspicious celebration, power and majesty, as well as spiritual pursuit and ideological connotation.