YUAN DYNASTY Blue and white Xiao He moon under chasing Han Xintu Mei bottle

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Blue and white Xiao He moon under chasing Han Xintu Mei bottle

Auction Information

Product:YUAN DYNASTY Blue and white Xiao He moon under chasing Han Xintu Mei bottle


Starting Price:2,000,000

Transaction Price:Not Started

Specification:H:48cm C:5.4cm B:13.5cm

Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品侈口帶蓋,短頸豐肩,腹下漸收,底部圈足漏胎,通體自上而下繪有西番蓮、雜寶、變形蓮瓣紋、垂珠紋,層次多樣;腹部描繪主題為“蕭何月下追韓信”的人物故事紋,圖上所繪人物的神情極其生動精彩;整器造型端莊穩重,胎質潔白緻密,青花發色蒼翠濃豔,有深藍色結晶斑,略為暈散,線條圓潤流暢,雍容華貴;人物故事紋多在元代porcelain中採用,吻合元代戲曲的高度發展,該瓶繪畫用筆大膽、給人以凝重的美感。 This product mouth with cover, short neck and shoulder, belly gradually closed, the bottom circle foot leakage tire, the whole body from top to bottom painted passion flower, miscellaneous treasure, deformed lotus petal pattern, drooping bead pattern, various levels; The abdomen depicts the character story pattern with the theme of "Xiao He chasing Han Xin under the moon", and the expression of the characters painted on the figure is extremely vivid and wonderful; The shape of the whole device is dignified and steady, the fetal quality is white and dense, the blue and white hair color is green and brilliant, there are dark blue crystal spots, slightly halo scattered, the lines are smooth and smooth, graceful and luxurious; The character story pattern is mostly used in theporcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, which accords with the high development of the Yuan Dynasty opera. The painting brush of the bottle is bold and gives people a dignified sense of beauty.