Tian Huangshi Jade Seal (engraved by Zhou Shangjun, a famous Qing Dynasty sculptor)

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Tian Huangshi Jade Seal (engraved by Zhou Shangjun, a famous Qing Dynasty sculptor)

Auction Information

Product:Tian Huangshi Jade Seal (engraved by Zhou Shangjun, a famous Qing Dynasty sculptor)


Starting Price:GBP:860,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:左右W:7.5cm×前后深:6.7cm×H:8.8cm WT:926g

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The Tian Huangshi Jade Seal (engraved by the famous Qing Dynasty sculptor Zhou Shangjun) has extremely high historical and artistic value. Zhou Shangjun was a famous engraving master in the Qing Dynasty, and his works are known for their exquisite craftsmanship and unique style. This seal is made of precious stone, Tianhuang Stone. Tianhuang Stone has a warm texture and bright color, making it an excellent material for seal making. The engraved works of Tian Huangshi Yuxi and Zhou Shangjun are not only top-notch works of art, but also witness to history, reflecting the social culture and aesthetic concepts of that time. They are of great significance for studying the art history, cultural history, and seal making techniques of the Qing Dynasty.