Ming blue and white phoenix pattern diamond large plate

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Ming blue and white phoenix pattern diamond large plate

Auction Information

Product:Ming blue and white phoenix pattern diamond large plate


Starting Price:GBP:780,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:7.5cm C:45cm B:26cm

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The Ming Dynasty blue and white phoenix patterned diamond shaped large plate is a Ming Dynasty porcelain known for its unique diamond shaped shape, blue and white glaze color, and phoenix patterned decoration. This large plate not only showcases the decorative features of Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain, but also reflects the advanced level of porcelain making technology at that time. The shape of the market is diamond shaped, and this design was very rare at that time, giving people a novel and unique feeling. The diamond shaped edges have smooth lines, and the four corners are evenly symmetrical, making the entire market appear more elegant and harmonious. The inner and outer walls of the market are decorated with blue and white phoenix patterns. The blue and white glaze color is fresh and elegant, and the phoenix pattern is lifelike, showcasing exquisite painting skills. Phoenix symbolizes auspiciousness and beauty in traditional Chinese culture, and these phoenix patterns symbolize people's longing and blessings for a better life. The texture of the large plate is delicate, the glaze is bright, the blue and white glaze color is stable, and the overall production process is exquisite.. This large plate is not only a beautiful artwork, but also proves the age and craftsmanship of this porcelain. The Ming Dynasty blue and white phoenix patterned diamond shaped large plate is a porcelain with high artistic and historical value