Mind Xuande Blue and white flower patterned jade pot spring vase

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Mind Xuande Blue and white flower patterned jade pot spring vase

Auction Information

Product:Mind Xuande Blue and white flower patterned jade pot spring vase


Starting Price:GBP:1,300,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:32cm C:8.4cm B:10.8cm

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The blue and white flower patterned jade pot spring vase made during the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty is a type of exquisite porcelain, belonging to the category of Hai Lao porcelain. This porcelain is known for its beautiful shape, exquisite patterns, and profound cultural connotations. The shape of the jade pot spring bottle is a curled mouth, slender neck, and round belly, with a gradually converging bottom, and a full and elegant shape. The bottle is decorated with blue and white floral patterns, which are rich in color, finely drawn, and vivid in image. There are various types of floral patterns, including chrysanthemums, peonies, plum blossoms, etc., which complement each other on the bottle body, displaying rich visual layers. The design on the waist of the vase is made in the Xuande year of the Ming Dynasty, and the clear and powerful font proves the age and production process of this porcelain. This blue and white flower patterned jade pot spring vase is not only a beautiful artwork, but also an important material for studying Ming Dynasty porcelain craftsmanship. Hai Lao porcelain refers to ancient porcelain that was salvaged from the seabed. Due to being buried in the seabed for a long time, its glaze is as shiny as new and well preserved. The spring vase with blue and white floral patterns, made in the Xuande year of the Ming Dynasty, is a precious and mysterious piece of Hai Lao porcelain. It showcases the outstanding achievements of Ming Dynasty porcelain production and the unique charm of traditional Chinese culture.