Qianlong Pink Colored Vase with Double Ear Pattern for Celebrating the Longevity of the Immortals

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Qianlong Pink Colored Vase with Double Ear Pattern for Celebrating the Longevity of the Immortals

Auction Information

Product:Qianlong Pink Colored Vase with Double Ear Pattern for Celebrating the Longevity of the Immortals


Starting Price:GBP:4,600,000

Transaction Price:GBP: 5,200,000

Specification:C:16cm B:15.3cm H:36cm

Auction Time:24-May-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The Qianlong powder colored vase with the pattern of congratulating immortals and longevity is a unique item among Qianlong colored porcelain. The shape of the vase is grand and grand, with a curled mouth, a short neck and sloping shoulders, and a gradually contracting lower abdomen. The neck is shaped like a pair of ears. The overall decoration is elegant and magnificent, with a group of immortals and birthday wishes painted in powder on the abdomen. The rest are all made of green, with a glossy glaze. The neck and shoulders are decorated with intertwined branches and precious flower patterns, while the shoulders are decorated with banana leaf patterns and auspicious patterns. The ears and feet are decorated with light blue colors and cloud patterns, creating a harmonious and complementary sensory experience.