Map of the River during the Qingming Festival

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Map of the River during the Qingming Festival

Auction Information

Product:Map of the River during the Qingming Festival


Starting Price:QAR:459,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:432cm W:26.7cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The Qingming Riverside Picture is 432cm in length and 26.7cm in width. The layout of this painting is dense, close to far, and simple and complex. The entire picture provides a concentrated and vivid summary of complex life, with a concise combination of movement and stillness, reproducing the style of Bianjing at that time. It is a high degree of integration of artistry and authenticity, providing reliable basis for scientific research in architecture, transportation, vehicle and ship manufacturing, commerce, food, medicine, clothing, folk customs, and other fields. This painting has a unique style of color design, with the colors appearing rich in softness and concise in use. The brushstrokes have unique features, moist in the sky, dense in the trees, heavy in the mountains and stones, red in the wooden pillars, fresh in beauty, bright in the figures, bright in spring, and stable in the architecture, reflecting the basic characteristics of the tall and large scroll character painting style of the Qing Palace. This item is well preserved and has extremely high collection value and historical significance, making it worth collecting for collectors!