Baozun (Lianzhu style old Tibetan guqin)

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Baozun (Lianzhu style old Tibetan guqin)

Auction Information

Product:Baozun (Lianzhu style old Tibetan guqin)


Starting Price:QAR:4,500,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:120.5cm W:20.4cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Qin forehead question: Baozun (Lianzhu style old Tibetan ancient qin) Era: Winter of the fourth year of Ming Chongzhen (1631-1644) Total length: 120.5, Hidden space: 110.8, Frontal width: 20.1, Shoulder width: 20.4, Tail width: 14.8 centimeters Dragon Pool Inscription (Right): Made in the Winter of the Fourth Year of Chongzhen On both sides of the Dragon Pool, there are engraved golden seal scripts: Baozun Ji San Gu, with a golden seal on one door (Longchi oval, Fengnuo oval) The piano surface/side/bottom has broken lines, and the entire paint surface has broken lines. The broken lines on the side walls and sides are perfect, connecting the broken lines on the piano surface and bottom at a glance. Tibetan Introduction: Lei Zaili (1925-2013) is a descendant of the Lei family. His father, Lei Renlong, was a diplomat stationed in the United States. This qin is a Ming qin collected by his father, Lei Jianyong (also known as Zhendong). The current collector Lei Yin (the third son of Lei Zaili) said that his grandfather (Lei Zhendong) learned to play the qin with his great grandfather (Lei Renlong) from a young age, and his family has a rich heritage of ancient qin. This qin is one of the must-have high-quality pieces collected by his grandfather (Lei Zhendong).