Dragon Pattern Stone

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Dragon Pattern Stone

Auction Information

Product:Dragon Pattern Stone


Starting Price:QAR:1,390,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


On the black stone pattern of the strange stone, there leaps a yellow white dragon with fins and scales, a long body with a curved tail, lifelike. The flying dragon has a full and natural charm, with clear and distinguishable dragon horns, mouths, and claws. It spreads its teeth and claws, its horns extend backwards, and its body curls up in a soaring swimming posture, exuding a majestic and majestic aura. Due to its rarity and rarity, it is one of the few stones in terms of quality, shape, color, and texture, and has very high collection value.