Shoushan Stone Erlong Opera Bead Seal

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Shoushan Stone Erlong Opera Bead Seal

Auction Information

Product:Shoushan Stone Erlong Opera Bead Seal


Starting Price:QAR:189,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:15.5cm WT:764.1g

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The seal is made with two dragons playing with pearls as buttons, fully utilizing the characteristics of Shoushan stone, which is as smooth as jade, soft and easy to attack. With exquisite craftsmanship, the lines are thick, elegant, simple and not ostentatious, highlighting the spirit, emotion, and fun of the dragon, making it vivid and vivid. This item is well preserved and its quality is as clean as jade, with extremely high collection value!