Qing Kangxi Bronze Gilded Shakyamuni Treasure Crown Statue

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Qing Kangxi Bronze Gilded Shakyamuni Treasure Crown Statue

Auction Information

Product:Qing Kangxi Bronze Gilded Shakyamuni Treasure Crown Statue


Starting Price:AED:1,880,000

Transaction Price:AED:3,000,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The statue shows Gautama Buddha wearing a crown on his head, commonly known as the Crown Buddha. From the point of view of the Buddha's three bodies, it is considered to be a reincarnation Buddha, representing the Buddha's internal merits and virtues. From the point of view of the Buddha's biography, some people think that wearing a crown on the head is the style of the Buddha's prince period, so they call it the statue of Prince Gautama Buddha. The crown of the statue of Gautama Buddha was cast separately. The posture of meditation is tall and straight, the lines are subtle and subtle, the facial expression is gentle and serene, which is typical of the portrait style in Kangxi period of Qing dynasty. Dressed in a topless right-style cassock, the robe is thin and fitted, with vivid flowers carved on the top and bottom. The sword technique is Now You See Me and the style is fresh. Emperor Kangxi of the Qing dynasty believed in Buddhism, and Zunzana Bazar-zebu zundanba I was the emperor's teacher. He used a large number of elements of Mongolian style to create statues, the first of its kind in the Qing dynasty, a collection of ethnic sculpture masters and skilled craftsmen in the imperial palace in the casting of Tibetan Buddha. The statues of the Kangxi dynasty are famous for their exquisite workmanship and beautiful modeling, which reflect the highest artistic level of the Tibetan statues in the mainland of the Qing dynasty.