Fu Baoshi's "Still Like a Mountain in Wind and Rain"

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Fu Baoshi's

Auction Information

Product:Fu Baoshi's "Still Like a Mountain in Wind and Rain"


Starting Price:AED:3,190,000

Transaction Price:AED:3,200,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


This“Wind and rain do not move mountains” to see, sanfeng techniques can be said to be for FU's“Wind and rain” tailor-made specific techniques. First of all, the speed of the pen is faster, the rhythm is more free. In calm as a mountain, we can clearly feel the speed of Fu Baoshi's pen and a high degree of freedom, the effect is to make the texture of the wind and rain materialized, so you can clearly see the pouring rain, can see the wind and rain bending the crown, this quantitative expression, the sound of the real atmosphere, and the boat is a strong contrast to the motionless gaos. This moment as readers, we can instantly understand the picture conveyed a sense of detachment and“Quiet” style. This kind of external but not obscure expression and ancient people's “Implicit” is completely different, is “Sanfeng” for Fu Baoshi's breakthrough.