Commemorative Silver Coin of Cao Kun's Military Suit and Constitution

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Commemorative Silver Coin of Cao Kun's Military Suit and Constitution

Auction Information

Product:Commemorative Silver Coin of Cao Kun's Military Suit and Constitution


Starting Price:AED:960,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Cao Kun, whose name is Zhong Shan, was born in Dagu, Tianjin (today's Tanggu, Tianjin). He was the leader of the direct warlord in the early years of the Republic of China, and also the king of Baoding. He was elected the fifth president of the Republic of China by gambling. He was the first rank general of the National Revolutionary Army. His coins have exquisite and vivid characters, smooth bottom plates, deep casting pressure, and deep paste. Chen Jimao, a senior coin expert, used to collect coins.