Xianfeng Heavy Treasure Treasure, Carved Flowers of the Fifty Years Later

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Xianfeng Heavy Treasure Treasure, Carved Flowers of the Fifty Years Later

Auction Information

Product:Xianfeng Heavy Treasure Treasure, Carved Flowers of the Fifty Years Later


Starting Price:AED:310,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification: 49.2*3.7 mm,46.4 g

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Qing Dynasty (1853). Xian Feng Heavy Treasure Bao Wu 50 Cash, engraved flower patterns encircle the rim on both sides. Copper. An exquisite rarity. One-of-a-kind ancient classic designer-style coin. Decorated with enchanting Chinese tapestry patterns, meticulously and superbly carved. Aesthetically rich in details and devices, preserved remarkably, thus elevates the visual allure. Crisp characters against a pervasive verdigris patina surface. The center square is geometrically well-proportioned and definite. This gorgeous piece displays maturity in style. The sheer detail of its magnificence will demand the attention of the most discerning Cash specialist. A true gem!