Dingyao White Glazed Lotus petal Pattern Three legged Water Bowl

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Dingyao White Glazed Lotus petal Pattern Three legged Water Bowl

Auction Information

Product:Dingyao White Glazed Lotus petal Pattern Three legged Water Bowl


Starting Price:AED:1,820,000

Transaction Price:AED:2,000,000


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


In the history of porcelain development, Song porcelain is particularly important. Southern celadon and northern white porcelain are auctioned off as the Southern Song white glazed porcelain cup, with a height of 4cm and a diameter of 7cm. The cup mouth is circular, and the body is coated with white glaze. The feet are round, and this cup is exquisite and delicate. The glaze color is pure white, and the glaze is smooth, reflecting the firing level of Song Dynasty white porcelain, and has great collection and research value
